Michelle Obama

Written by the Scribner

February 11, 2022

Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States. Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian.

Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States. Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian.

Michelle the buck, Michelle the first lady. She does go hard for her husband, but sometimes not the way her husband goes for her. They have a professional relationship with two children.

Their life outside of the white house has been a relief. She carried the weight and ugliness of her beloved America. Her husband is understanding and being mixed, he has let's rise above it, and she has been rising above, but how many sucker punches can a person, one woman take?

It only takes time when it all breaks down, even the optics are an illusion. As a VP, an unofficial one, she really needs healing and time to bring all her collective self together. For a big bowl of crying, of letting go of the hate she endured. But the south side girl never thought she would be the First Lady.

She was content with her work and her accomplishment though it took a lot, and asked a lot of her. She was not as present as she could be and really was never the woman to sit at home to bake cookies though her kids mean the world to her.

She is a woman in phases having completed one, and she wants to do all those things some of the actresses have done, to be recognized in that light. She is a strong woman and has a way of communicating, but sometimes people need to hear things, hear you, and not speeches. She has to learn how to balance that and to show up for her kids as a mommy, not as mommy incorporated.

  • To know that she is supported by a lineage of women who gave her the strength and courage to sustain the 8-year presidency without losing her marbles and blackness.

  • To know that she can take a break and it is not all about go and go.

  • To know her inaccessibility increases her accessibility.

  • To know that she should take it one day at a time.

  • To know that she is loved and that all her imperfections are beautiful.

  • To know that Barack loved her, and has always done so.

  • To know that she can find herself, look for herself, and get to know all parts of herself.

  • To know that she is unfolding in all that she is.

  • To be present in the face of challenge.

  • To know that not every fight is yours to fight.

  • To know that even when Barack looks at other women, he has your heart, you are all his heart.

  • To know that expansion does not mean you have to do it all or kill yourself trying.

Just remember those and you will be alright.


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